What It Is...


What It Is...

  • "Learning to READ OUR WAY" (ltROW) is a revolutionary reading strategy that uses the learners strengths, interests, culture and history to teach reading in as little as one to two months time.

  • ltROW uses a systematic and holistic form of phonics, whole language and critical literacy to directly teach reading, writing, speaking, thinking, listening, comprehension and vocabulary, to groups of struggling learners, from 1st-adult, in a fun, fast, easy and empowering way.

  • ltROW allows learners to choose what and how they learn - relevancy and motivation

  • ltROW provides a solid reading foundation by filling gaps so that learners function at grade level and obtain desired literacy goals.

ltROW offers so much more than a basic phonics strategy. Learners are transformed and empowered because they learn to read, understand how to learn, and change circumstances in their lives, in order to thrive in society!

We can help you change the trajectory of people’s lives!


How it Works...

  • ltROW's four, online lessons (purchased one at a time in sequence) are taught by an instructor (a doctor in education) and viewed from the website.

  • A facilitator (any person with a good 5th grade education or above) is needed to guide groups of learners through the four lessons.

  • The instructor and facilitator serve as guides on the side, not sages on the stage. The instructor provides the pre-determined concepts and skills to be taught and the learners bring the lessons to life by determining their best way to learn and best curricula that extend and reinforce their learning -becoming self-directed and independent learners.

  • Learners work in groups, helping each other learn- constructing meaning, tackling social injustices, exercising choice in topics that interest them.

  • Learners read a lot, from a wide range of text, which increases vocabulary and comprehension quickly.

  • Learners read a lot, from a wide range of text, which increases vocabulary and comprehension quickly.

  • Learners read texts critically, in an active, reflective manner, to better understand whose truth is being privileged, inequalities, and injustices in human relationships. They take action to make change through their reading and writing assignments and projects.

  • Learners learn at their own rate and embrace their diverse intelligences. They become aware of their learning strengths and are able to transfer this knowledge to other learning environments.

The four lessons (purchased one at a time, each for one month) build on each other and must be taken in sequence. The learner moves from lesson to lesson only after mastery has been evidenced in the previous lesson. All learners, regardless of age, begin with lesson I, and advance based on the guide below to ensure all skills and concepts are acquired to form a strong foundation for reading.

  • 1st graders - Lessons I & II

  • 2nd graders - Lessons I, II, & III

  • 3rd graders-Adults -Lessons I-IV


Who Benefits

  • Struggling readers who are below grade level- 1-12, adults, receivers of special education, and second language learners.

  • Learners who have not received pre-reading development at home nor presently supported at home with reading development.

  • Divergent, creative thinkers and learners with strong verbal and interpersonal skills.

  • Learners whose knowledge and skills do not dovetail with what is needed in school to be successful.

  • Those with whom low expectations are held and whose history and culture are not embraced in the traditional learning environment.

  • Teachers who need professional development in the implementation of effective and innovative instructional strategies- "Liberating Teaching and Learning"

  • Schools, and others, with little money, a low literacy rate and a large number of people to educate quickly and easily.

ltROW offers so much more than a basic phonics strategy. Learners are transformed and empowered because they learn to read, understand how to learn, and change circumstances in their lives, in order to thrive in society!

We can help you change the trajectory of people’s lives!


Why it Works

  • Learners are cared for and held to high expectations – strong affective features.

  • Learning is relevant - They choose what and how to learn. What is learned, empowers to make their lives better.

  • Student-centered - learners' history and culture, interests, unique styles, needs and intelligences are embraced and used to increase learning.

  • Learners receive a strong reading foundation integrating phonics, whole language and social justice. Comprehension is evidenced through real life application.

  • Learners teach each other, making learning faster, fun and retention greater.

  • ltROW integrates elements from the following successful instructional strategies, Cooperative Learning, Differential Learning, Multiple Intelligences, Cultural Learning Styles and high expectations into the model -"Liberating Teaching and Learning"

ltROW has helped many to read effectively in as little as 2-3 months, making 1- 2 grade level gains very quickly!

who (1)

Who Needs to Buy it? Professionals.

  • Celebrities who provide sponsorships, educate through their foundations and other programs

  • Corporations/Businesses as part of their outreach efforts (sponsorships)

  • Faith-based and community organizations (sports teams, boys & girls clubs, camps, etc.), social clubs ( fraternities & sororities), mentors, etc.

  • Homeschoolers

  • Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated children and adults

  • Exploited countries, especially African countries (townships, private and government schools), Central and South Americans, etc.